Self-Awareness: The starting point for successful relationships


The starting point for enjoying loving relationships in your life, is the relationship with yourself. When you are aware of who you are, it means that you are aware of your attributes, core values, beliefs and doubts. The recognition and acknowledging of who you are, is the first step towards self acceptance. How can you love yourself, if you do not accept who you are?  Self awareness is the key element to self acceptance and self love. It sounds simple to ask yourself: “Who am I”? This question is hard to answer. It is a question that goes directly to the core of  your values, beliefs, doubts and perceptions you have for yourself; It also refers, to the external perceptions imposed upon you by others, whether these perceptions are true or not true. These perceptions are usually subconscious and only by starting a personal development process such as Life Coaching, can become conscious.

Yourself perception, affects yourself love. The more aware you are of your attributes, the more self love you will demonstrate. Usually, if you have a tendency, to be “perfect” that makes it even more difficult, not to be critical to yourself and accept yourself, as you really are.