The power of human connection

Much has been written about human connection and its benefits. But the truth is that its effect is probably bigger than we imagine. The psychologist Michael Kraus and his colleagues at University of California, Berkeley have found that “the key factor for the victory of their national basketball team at the final play off of the period 2008-2009 wasn’t good performance, but the number of times the team members approached and touched each other during the first game”. The teammates’ reassuring touch strengthened the players’ sense that they can count on each other, improved their cooperation and therefore their game performance.

The value of safety
When you feel safety in your relationship or in other loving relationships you accept who you are more easily and therefore you feel worthy of other people’s interest. Feeling positive and balanced you can focus on other people with empathy. Also, it’s easier to be tolerant towards them. Having a quality partnership or connecting with other people with safety and love is fertile ground for developing many things, such as positivity, self-esteem, resilience and independence.

What else will you gain?
Humans are inherently full of empathy and altruism. When you connect with safety and trust with other people, you are more able to understand and respond positively to their needs. When you feel increasingly connected that turns into action, namely it’s expressed through your willingness to help others. The more safety you feel in your relationship or relationships the more likely you are to try something new and take a risk, but also believe in your potential. Also, maintaining constantly your self-esteem reduces the tendency to diminish other people, so the path to establishing quality relationships is clear.

5 steps to connect effectively
– Be open to a new acquaintance without hesitating to trust your intuition about it.

– Have good intentions. While connecting with someone, don’t think about what you will gain from that person, but on the contrary intend to offer.

– Put criticism aside. While starting a new acquaintance be willing to develop a new relationship or friendship.

– Be your genuine self, be willing to create a trusting relationship.

– Commit to preserving the contact you chose by devoting time to it.

The quality of loving relationships is not just a personal matter. When these relationships thrive, we all benefit from that. Close connection with other people it the key to health, prosperity and abundance at all levels. Even at social level, safe relationships with your parents, your partner and other people create persons with greater compassion and care incentive that are proved to be more effective in their lives.